golden anchor Ibiza Shop
love and dance Teddy ¥ unisex ¥ upCyclinG viLLaGe punK¥IbiZa ¥Jacke ¥ festival

Diese warme Jackel mit Kapuze besteht aus kuscheligen Teddyfell. verziert mit stencil(s)/ Siebdrucken und Patches. Onesized (passend für S-L)

• upcycling vintage jacket .
• high quality
• decorated with button(s), rivets, patches, stencils & lettering.
• cold wash / do not spin
• Reconditioned in Ibiza ♻️
• Please allow us a time of approx. 14 days to produce your piece

For more inspiration, or if you have any questions, please visit our Instagram page

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